Week 4: Brainstorming and Preparing for Presentation #1

For this week, during the beginning of workshop, Dr. Furman and Eric made announcements stating that Ron would be back in town from South Africa the following week. Afterwards, we were separated into our respective groups to begin preparing for our first graded presentation. Cheuk and I listened to Shane and Kang, prior students who worked on 1/12th scale controls. Although Cheuk and I are not on the 1/12th scale team, we listened in because we thought they had to say would be insightful in getting our project started off the ground. Additionally, Cheuk and I talked to Dr. Furman and Eric questions regarding the contraints such as maximum speed and weight. We discussed in detail some of the additional features that would be beneficial on adding to the existing full scale podcar. For example, we discussed about integrating an kill switch for safety measures as well as an wireless controller for controlling the pod car as opposed to the autonomous set up. Dr. Furman was able to refer to us an previous member who worked on the Full Scale Controls back in 2015. Lastly, Cheuk and I took pictures of the current existing hardware that was set up in the pod car for us to decipher and learn from the previous design setup.


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