Week 6: Rapid Prototype Progression
For this week's meeting, we were to meet up in ENGR 189 and discuss the formal report write up format from Dr. Du. She explained to us thoroughly the sections that were required in our final report and some additional tips. An example she mentioned was to write out numbers if they are less than 10 in our reports. After the meeting with Dr. Du, we scurried over to the Spartan Superway workshop to work on our project. Cheuk and I were able to meet up outside of class and begin our rapid prototype. We were able to obtain a DC motor from the 1/12th Scale Controls team. Additionally, we bought an Arduino Mega 2560, L298 motor drivers, joysticks and a sonar device that plan out to be implemented in the existing model. We were successfully able to set up the DC motor, L298 motor driver and joystick onto the Arduino Mega. Although we were not able implement speed control with the joystick, we were able to get the DC motor to rotate clock and counterclockwise depending on the direction the ...